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Term of service


I do:

-Female (my strong point )
-Detail character

I don't:




  1. Paypal  
  2. Online banking -  For Vietnamese client 1$=22k VND
You have to pay 80-100% before I sketch. If you don't pay for your commission for 2 days after you take the slot, your slot will be canceled! 
After I have sketched your commission but in case we have to cancel it, I will refund 50% 
 Please pay for the Paypal fee - I will send an invoice include the Paypal fee :
+ 2$ for an invoice under 20$
+ 4$ for an invoice under 50$
+ 6$ for an invoice under 100$



+100% for extra character

+10$-20$ for detailed character

+20-40$ for detailed background


 -After payment, I'll send you a sketch, line and base, and then the finished artwork! 


-It will take me 3-5 months to finish your commission, you can check the process on my Trello list! 


-I have permission to upload your commission without asking, if you want to keep it private you have to pay about 50% total of the commission


-Shipping International is accepting, but you have to pay the shipping fee!


-Please be polite and patient when we working!


-I can change the sketch 3 times and after that, I will take 10$/a changes! So plz send a clear and full reference. 


-I'm not good at anatomy and background but I will try my best ( you can fix any time for free ! ) 


-If my commission is worse than the sample you can freely ask me to draw it again but I will take 50% to redraw it-you can send me the sample which you like best for me to explan! 


-Feel free to DM with me- you can check the progress, chat with me to talk about your character, send the description of your ideal so that I can draw your character easier.


Commercial Used

For Vtuber :

-If you use my art for discord emoji, promotional material, banner, social media artwork ... I will take x2 of the total price 

-For selling product : keychain, postcard, ... x3 of the total price 

-I can use your commission art for promotion myself, If you don't want to be public before your debut please tell me! 

-2D model has included commercial fee

Normal client :

-If you don't want to up your commission on my social media x1,5 of the price 



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